Monday, December 17, 2007

Making Gingerbread Houses

The Whites had us over to make gingerbread houses. Missy and I had spent a good part of the day getting ready for it, making the pieces from Gingerbread dough.

Each kid (except Liam) had their own house and their own adult to help them, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa being in town.

Mandy surprised me the most. I didn't realize she would have so much to say about her house. She showed me each place to "put the white" (frosting) and picked what candy went there.

We all had a great time, and each kid was very pleased with their final creation!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Picking out the tree

Here's a post I started a while back but finally got around to putting up.

We went to Elveden Forest to pick out a tree. It was one of the coldest nights yet and the kids wanted to be inside.

Emily was the most opinionated out of all of us. "Can we go now!" "None of these look like our tree!" "Okay, this one looks kind of like it."

We had a fake tree for most of Emily's life. We bought it when she was 2 and had it till we left San Antonio, so she thought our tree had to look the same. Luckily we found one with approximately the same shape. Unfortunately, the place closed shortly before we arrived and we had to return another day to get our tree (a different one of course).

Emily watching the tree get it's net on.

After it was all netted up and ready to go on the roof, Emily says, "Hay, wait! I think a different one looks like our tree!" "Sorry Emily, too late!"

Sunday, December 2, 2007

I'm officially crazy

In a rush to dress the kids for Church by myself (my husband had to go in to work for the day), I grab Mandy's nylons to put them on her. She fusses and complains, but I firmly put her hands down and tell her she doesn't have a choice. Normally I listen when she fusses, but not today. I don't have time. I grab Joey's socks, do Emily's hair. Soon Mandy comes complaining to me saying, "Ma-ma! I pee-pee in my dress." As if to say, "Why didn't you listen to me when I when I was trying to tell you to put a diaper on me?"

Christmas musings

I sit down to write my annual Christmas letter and I look at what has happened this year. It seems a lot more than what happened in everyday life. Everyday life gets bogged down with chores like housecleaning, getting kids to school, going to work, eating breakfast in the morning. And sometimes it seems that is all that there is. But when I look at my family with the new light of Christmas shining on them, things magically change. I love Christmas. It’s always been my favorite time of year. I love the decorations on the light-poles and the Christmas tree. I love the cinnamon smell of candles. I love to reflect on how the birth of one baby changed the entire universe. It makes Christmas time special. All of a sudden, the warm laundry coming out of the dryer is a sign of God’s love for me, not just a task I’m required to complete. Grocery shopping turns into a time to reflect on my family’s needs and how I can serve them so they feel love surrounding them, and protecting them from the harsh world. Suddenly there is a lot more warmth and happiness. Suddenly there is a lot more peace.

P E A C E –I received my stocking-holders that I ordered in the mail the other day in these letters. Emily asked me why do we have the word Peace on our mantle at Christmas time. Joseph said it better than I could. He said “that is what Jesus brought to the Earth. “

In the turmoil of everyday life, we can look to the Savior and live in peace. How fitting it is that the world lights more candles at this time of year, and puts up more lights. Because Jesus is the light of the world and we celebrate his light coming into the world. To quote my favorite Christmas movie, “It’s what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.”

Joseph and Jenny McDermott Family